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dancewithme- Afterimage

How do you feel about the data you leave behind?

Performing online searches, liking photos, swiping through feeds—it's easy to generate digital data as a byproduct of your activity. How do you feel about entities collecting and using this data?


Afterimage creates art using your data and other people's data. As you move around, Afterimage allows you to create unique pieces of artwork with three sets of movement data: your own (1), the past user's (2), and the past 25 users' (3). At the end of the experience, you can view and photograph the artwork you made. Your data is stored* for the next 25 users to make art with, in the same way you used past users' data to create your art.

Whole dancewithme-Afterimage experience!

2.5 minute experience
Kinect, Processing, SQLite
Supports up to size people, optimized for one.

By drawing attention to the generation, collection, and usage of data, Afterimage encourages reflection on your relationship with your data. How does it feel to use others' data and to know yours will be used in the same way? In what contexts is collecting data about you acceptable? Giving and using data, in this installation, allows you to create art and connect with past people's data. So, can sharing your data be a good thing?


Collection and Usage of Data

You make art with data from the 25 most recent Afterimage users. Your movement data replaces the least recent user's data. This data is not tied to you in any way, and is deleted after 25 more people use Afterimage

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